
Your search for 1970s returned 2 results.

Gustav Holst meets Thomas Hardy on 16mm

I had occasion to copy three films that were made in the 1970s. One was 16mm the other two were Super 8mm. The interesting thing was that they had a soundtrack that had been recorded separately and mastered onto Audio CD. The films were captured at a frame rate of 24fps for 16mm and 18fps for Super 8mm. This odd frame rate was used to stop frame jitter. I then ...

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The Early Years

In the 70s when the first portable video machines became available I made a couple of promos for local groups. There were no editing devices at that time, so I had to edit in camera. To show the finished result I had to let the group take the portable, complete with a small monitor, around to promote themselves. People were very impressed with the concept, even if ...

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